I mentioned in our June newsletter that the Colorado legislature has passed an assisted suicide (what they are calling “medical aid in dying”) bill (SB24-068). Governor Polis has since signed the bill making it the law in Colorado.
What does this new law do? It loosens the previous restrictions on assisted suicide in Colorado. The changes are summarized in an article at LifeNews:
- Some nurses can now “prescribe” the assisted suicide poison.
- Waiting period is reduced to 7 days.
- Waiting period can be waived if person near death.
- If there are any conflicts regarding the reception of federal money, the conflicting parts are made inoperative and the remainder of the law remains intact.
- Insurance company regulations are included too (see article)
The article describes how other states with assisted suicide laws have also loosened regulations.
This is how the culture of death progresses.
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