Updating what we presented in the March newsletter, the two pro-life bills mentioned there will be coming up for hearings in the next two days.

The first to come up is House Bill 24-1224, the “Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child” bill. It is scheduled to be heard tomorrow, Monday, March 4, starting at 1:30 PM in the Old State Library room before the House State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Committee. Currently it is fourth on the agenda.

The second will be House Bill 24-1106, the “Require Information about the Abortion Pill Reversal” bill. It is scheduled to be heard Tuesday, March 5, upon adjournment of the House (the House doesn’t adjourn at any set time so it could be anywhere from around 9:30 AM to noon or even later) in room HCR0112 before the House Health and Human Services Committee. Currently it is sixth of the agenda.

Note that legislative schedules can change on short notice, so agendas can be modified, as well as rooms and even dates and times.

Please consider testifying in favor of these bills. Testimony can be in person before the committee, remotely via Zoom, or in writing. Details on how each form of testimony is conducted are available at the legislative website.

Based on information from an interview with a current representative, the most effective testimony is made in person before the committee. However, don’t let this dissuade you from testifying in some other way if you are not able to make it in person.

Thank you for any thing you can do in support of Life!

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