Previously I noted that a bill (Senate Bill 24-068) currently in the state legislature aims to make assisted suicide easier in Colorado.
Public testimony regarding the bill will be possible during a Senate Health & Human Services Committee meeting on Thursday February 29 starting at 1:30 pm in room SCR 357. (Please note that these schedules are subject to change without notice.)
Please consider testifying against this bill. Testimony can be in person before the committee, remotely via Zoom, or in writing. Details on how each form of testimony is conducted are available at the legislative website.
Based on information from an interview with a current representative, the most effective testimony is made in person before the committee. However, don’t let this dissuade you from testifying in some other way if you are not able to make it in person.
You can also contact members of the Senate Health & Human Services Committee prior to the hearing. The members of the committee and their contact info is available on the legislative website.
The text of SB24-068 is available on the legislative website.
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