The title of this post is a quote from a fascinating interview by Tucker Carlson of Calley and Casey Means.
The long interview (over 2 hours) touches on many topics, and one topic was on “The Pill.” Dr. Casey Means’ comments on the problem with birth control treatments:
Your cycle and having these normal hormonal cycles is part and parcel with our health in every possible way, and also with the miracle of creating life.
And so for years you just lose the biofeedback of what’s happening with your cycle. It is one of the key barometers of female health. How is your cycle doing? Is it regular, or is it heavy? And we just shut it down and we say there’s no repercussions for that, which I think gets to a larger issue, which is: a disrespect of life.
A disrespect of life. Contraception was, and still is, touted as a way to reduce abortions, but it actually has done the reverse because abortion has become a “backup” method of “birth control” when contraception fails. In the end, contraception has devalued life.
But Dr. Means is telling us that this disrespect for life is even more profound:
By taking a hammer to women’s hormones, we’re destroying the things that give us life in this country. And that is part of the root cause why I think things feel so dark right now … we are actually turning our backs on life.
Turning our backs on life. Dr. Means is helping us to recognize what must be done in order to build a culture of life in our society. We must stop turning our backs on life, stop our disrespect of life.
(The LifeSiteNews coverage of the interview has a prepositioning of the discussion at the point where they talk about the Pill. If you have the time, watching the whole interview will be worth your time.)
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