Caucus time has again come. Republicans will be meeting on Thursday March 7 while Democrats will be gathering virtually on Saturday March 9.
One aspect of the caucuses is the communication from the party grassroots (i.e., the individual members of the party) to the party leadership as to the direction the parties should move over the next two years (until the next caucus). Resolutions are one of the ways in which this communication is accomplished.
Resolutions are proposed by individual party members at their caucus meeting and voted upon by the members of that caucus. If the resolution passes, it is promoted to a vote at the county assembly.
We encourage you to participate in your caucus and to offer a resolution or two, if possible, to influence the direction of your party for the next two years. Will you do it? Are you worried that you don’t know how?
Pikes Peak Citizens for Life will host a special “caucus training” on February 25th to educate and encourage people to participate in their respective caucus meetings. See our February newsletter for more details on this training.
In the meantime, you can review our caucus reminders for the 2022 caucus. As we approach the 2024 caucuses, more suggestions will be made available in this blog and possibly in the March newsletter.
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