As described in a recent LifeNews article, Chelsea Mynyk, “a nurse-midwife and owner of life-affirming clinic Castle Rock Women’s Health,” had an anonymous complaint filed against her because she offers abortion pill reversal.
Abortion pill reversal is illegal in Colorado due to the passage of Senate Bill 23-190 which stipulates that abortion pill reversal is “unprofessional conduct” for medical personnel.
This law was passed by the Colorado legislature and signed by the Colorado governor even though abortion pill reversal is medically sound and has saved lives, with one example being given in the LifeNews article, that of Mackenna Greene and her unborn child who was saved by Mynyk’s employment of abortion pill reversal.
Essentially Colorado law is presently working to keep medical personnel from saving lives, a preposterous position for these professionals whose job it is to save lives!
It is all the more preposterous when one recognizes that the Reproductive Health Equity Act, which was passed in 2022 and removes all restrictions on abortion in Colorado, actually states: “A pregnant individual has a fundamental right to continue a pregnancy and give birth or to have an abortion and to make decisions about how to exercise that right.” (25-6-403(2)). Presently this statement is the law and must be followed even for women who changed their mind about having an abortion and decided to exercise their “fundamental right to continue a pregnancy and give birth.”
Abortion pill reversal gives these women the possibility of continuing their pregnancy and giving birth and medical personnel should not be penalized for offering it to these women.
A big thank you to Alliance Defending Freedom who has intervened on Mynyk’s behalf.
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