40 Days for Life Vigil, Fall 2024

Once again 40 Days for Life is conducting a Fall prayer vigil. The prayer vigil officially began on Wednesday September 25. To sign up for prayer hours, and to see flyers and other information, go to the 40 Days for Life website for Colorado Springs. If you are able,...

Patient with No Brainwaves Awakes

In another event that calls into question our understanding of “brain death,” a patient with no brain activity woke up after hearing her daughter’s voice. As described in reporting from LifeSiteNews, the patient was in the ICU for two days and her husband urged the...

Vote No on Amendment 79

We have finally been told that Initiative 89, the “Constitutional Right to Abortion” initiative, will show up on the ballot as Amendment 79. Amendment 79 will change the Colorado Constitution by enshrining abortion as a constitutional right and removing current...

Taking a Hammer to Women’s Hormones

The title of this post is a quote from a fascinating interview by Tucker Carlson of Calley and Casey Means. The long interview (over 2 hours) touches on many topics, and one topic was on “The Pill.” Dr. Casey Means’ comments on the problem with birth control...