by Trevor Malloy | Sep 18, 2024 | Action, Action Alerts, Connect
Coloradans have a Right to Know how Amendment 79 hurts them. This amendment creates a constitutional “right” to unrestricted abortion, with no limits on late abortions. This amendment permits an abortion slush fund paid for by taxpayers. This amendment...
by Trevor Malloy | Sep 18, 2024 | Action, Action Alerts, Elections, PPCFL Events
Stand for life at the annual Pikes Peak life chain. A peaceful public witness of pro life individuals standing for 90 minutes, praying for a nation and an end to abortion. A visual statement by the Christian community that abortion kills children and the church...
by Matt Niedzielski | Mar 3, 2024 | Action, Commentary
Updating what we presented in the March newsletter, the two pro-life bills mentioned there will be coming up for hearings in the next two days. The first to come up is House Bill 24-1224, the “Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child” bill. It is scheduled to be heard...