Taking a Hammer to Women’s Hormones

The title of this post is a quote from a fascinating interview by Tucker Carlson of Calley and Casey Means. The long interview (over 2 hours) touches on many topics, and one topic was on “The Pill.” Dr. Casey Means’ comments on the problem with birth control...

Hern Still Killing at 86

In case you were not aware, Boulder late-term abortionist Warren Hern is still at it at 86, and he says “I love it” in a recent profile (covered in an article at LifeSiteNews). As noted in the article, the media is trying to portray what Hern does as charitable work;...

Gallery Rule Rescinded at Colorado Capitol

Threatened by a lawsuit, the sergeants-at-arms at the state capitol have rescinded a gallery rule that was used to boot people wearing pro-life messages, particularly Jeffery Hunt, from the very place where political statements are supposed to be able to be expressed....

Abortion Makes Men Free

In a recent “WhiteDudesForKamala” event, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg commented on abortion. In particular, as reported at The Daily Signal, he stated that “men are also more free in a country where we have a president who stands up for things like...

Saved Baby Now Born

A baby saved late last year after his mother spoke to a sidewalk counselor has now been born! Although there were some complications, mother and baby are doing well. Thank you to all the sidewalk counselors and prayer partners who are instrumental in saving...

Our Summer Billboards

In case you didn’t know, Pikes Peak Citizens for Life has a couple of billboards up at the present time. Our newest billboard has the caption “A Guide to Women’s Rights; STEP ONE: Let Them BE BORN” and can be seen at 210 N Academy (it faces south). Our recent postcard...