by Matt Niedzielski | Jul 29, 2024 | Abortion, Commentary
A common opinion among Coloradans is that the Reproductive Health Equity Act, along with the upcoming Initiative 89 (which will be voted on in the November general election), is simply the state of Colorado implementing Roe v. Wade at the state level. But that is not...
by Matt Niedzielski | Jul 19, 2024 | Abortion, Commentary
As an example of what the pro-life movement is up against, Melinda Gates is giving about $200 million to 16 different non-profit organizations, six of which “explicitly advocate for abortion,” with at least one actually paying for abortions, as reported in the...
by Matt Niedzielski | Jun 30, 2024 | Abortion, Commentary
In case you hadn’t heard, the US Supreme Court chose not to address the FDA’s over-relaxation of regulations regarding the abortion pill by declaring that the plaintiffs lacked standing (see more at LifeSiteNews). It seems like such a waste to spend all the time and...
by Matt Niedzielski | Jun 28, 2024 | Commentary, Education
We are always looking for good and inexpensive resources for people to use in their efforts to build a culture of life. Human Life International (HLI) is offering a free eBook on Planned Parenthood (PP) that provides an in-depth view of this organization which most...
by Matt Niedzielski | Jun 20, 2024 | Commentary, End of Life
I mentioned in our June newsletter that the Colorado legislature has passed an assisted suicide (what they are calling “medical aid in dying”) bill (SB24-068). Governor Polis has since signed the bill making it the law in Colorado. What does this new law do? It...
by Matt Niedzielski | Jun 5, 2024 | Abortion, Commentary
To reduce the frequency of abortion, one needs to know why abortion is chosen in the first place. Research from the Charlotte Lozier Institute, as reported by LifeNews, indicates that in almost every case abortion is chosen as “birth control” and not because of...