El Paso Switcheroo in the Senate

Previously I wrote about Senate Bill 24-068 and how it aims at making assisted suicide (which is now being called “medical aid-in-dying” to disguise reality) easier to obtain in Colorado. The bill has now made it through the Senate. It has been amended somewhat but,...

Spring Billboards Are Up

We’ve got three billboards up right now that warn people not to sign the Initiative 89 petition. Here are the billboard locations: S. Academy at Airport Road. The board is facing to the north. W. Fillmore at Tremont. The board is facing east. E. Platte Ave east of...

Resolution: No Tax Funded Abortion

We have previously shared several examples of resolutions that can be promoted at the caucuses which will be held on March 7 (Republicans) and March 9 (Democrats). With the circulation of petitions for Initiative 89, an effort to remove from the Colorado Constitution...

IVF and Abortion

The Alabama Supreme Court decision on in vitro fertilization (IVF) has spawned a nationwide discussion on what we know about, and how we should understand, the beginning of a human life. With an article in the Deseret News, Emily Zanotti notes that “IVF presents some...

Oppose Easy Assisted Suicide

Previously I noted that a bill (Senate Bill 24-068) currently in the state legislature aims to make assisted suicide easier in Colorado. Public testimony regarding the bill will be possible during a Senate Health & Human Services Committee meeting on Thursday...