Time for Caucus Resolutions

Caucus time has again come. Republicans will be meeting on Thursday March 7 while Democrats will be gathering virtually on Saturday March 9. One aspect of the caucuses is the communication from the party grassroots (i.e., the individual members of the party) to the...

Making Assisted Suicide Easier

As we have noted before, advocates of physician assisted suicide (PAS) follow an incremental strategy. So it is no surprise that a bill in the legislature (Senate Bill 24-068) seeks to make PAS easier. A look at the bill’s summary (as introduced) demonstrates the...

Disinformation on Rape and Pregnancy

Disinformation on abortion is ubiquitous, and even more so as we traverse this critical election period. LifeNews is reporting about a study in JAMA Internal Medicine that claims “tens of thousands of pregnancies resulted from rape in states that enacted strong...

The Deep Pockets of the Other Side

We have seen it in previous elections. So, it is no surprise that the abortion supporters have plenty of money on hand, as noted in an article from Complete Colorado, to place a citizen-initiated measure on the 2024 ballot to enshrine abortion in the state...