Patient with No Brainwaves Awakes

In another event that calls into question our understanding of “brain death,” a patient with no brain activity woke up after hearing her daughter’s voice. As described in reporting from LifeSiteNews, the patient was in the ICU for two days and her husband urged the...

Murder as Health Care

You’ve heard from abortion activists that “abortion is health care”. It is happening at the other end of life as well. A recent example is an ill Canadian man who has been offered “state-sanctioned euthanasia ‘multiple times’ instead of getting the proper care he...

El Paso Switcheroo in the Senate

Previously I wrote about Senate Bill 24-068 and how it aims at making assisted suicide (which is now being called “medical aid-in-dying” to disguise reality) easier to obtain in Colorado. The bill has now made it through the Senate. It has been amended somewhat but,...