by Trevor Malloy | Sep 18, 2024 | Action, Action Alerts, Elections, PPCFL Events
Stand for life at the annual Pikes Peak life chain. A peaceful public witness of pro life individuals standing for 90 minutes, praying for a nation and an end to abortion. A visual statement by the Christian community that abortion kills children and the church...
by Matt Niedzielski | Sep 13, 2024 | Commentary, Elections
We have finally been told that Initiative 89, the “Constitutional Right to Abortion” initiative, will show up on the ballot as Amendment 79. Amendment 79 will change the Colorado Constitution by enshrining abortion as a constitutional right and removing current...
by Matt Niedzielski | May 18, 2024 | Commentary, Elections
Yesterday it was announced that Initiative 89, an effort to enshrine abortion in the Colorado constitution, will be on the November ballot. It is an amendment to the Colorado constitution, so it will require a 55% vote to pass. While abortion is essentially...
by Julie Bailey | Mar 17, 2024 | Elections, Other Life
When I was a young girl, I played with the boys. We played football in the park; we climbed trees; we ran races on the beach and surfed in the waves. Some people called me a ‘Tom Boy’. I didn’t really understand what that meant. I knew without any doubt that I was a...
by Julie Bailey | Feb 22, 2024 | Elections
As the party caucuses approach, Pikes Peak Citizens for Life encourage all citizens in the region to engage in the political process and specifically to attend precinct caucus meetings to let your voice be heard. We particularly encourage you to consider proposing one...
by Matt Niedzielski | Feb 7, 2024 | Commentary, Elections
Caucus time has again come. Republicans will be meeting on Thursday March 7 while Democrats will be gathering virtually on Saturday March 9. One aspect of the caucuses is the communication from the party grassroots (i.e., the individual members of the party) to the...